Periodic Thought

Why Easter?


Is that you're reaction? You can't keep crossing the name out? Surrender to the saviour!


So today I shall talk about something that stops us going to heaven


Our Sinful nature.


This is so often called Human nature. Sad isn’t it. What used to be called sinful nature has got so bad that it is associated with humans. Made in Gods image. Now God cannot associate with sin. But he loved us. And chose us from the foundation of the earth. He was going to save us. For his own glory! But why was it necessary? Why not just let us go to heaven?


Well that where we look at the beginning of the Bible. We all have heard the story of Adam and Eve. They sinned and sin came into the world…


But what actually happened at this point in time.


A divide happened. Between God and man. We then were born into a state of sin. A sinful nature. The dividing is shown throughout the Old Testament with temple and the dividing curtain. Between the man and God.


So God needed a supreme sacrifice. Bear with me people. This is a tough one.


He sent Jesus into this world. His own son. He died for us. So the simple question this Easter is will you accept him? And give up your sinful nature? Or not? If not we know what the consequences are. You have a choice this Easter. What will it be?


As ever any questions I will help.


God Bless




We wanted to share with you a testimony because a real life story can show Christ works in practise. In someone’s life.


Rob is a member of the team here at jesus-saves and this is his story:


 Hi folks, it's Rob here, to tell you how Jesus saved me.


My parents are Christians and have brought me to church for as long as I can remember. So I knew all the bible stories, and about how sin separates us from God, but I didn't like to accept it. I believed God existed and he sent his Son Jesus to die on a cross for sins, but it meant nothing to me, I just lived my selfish, self-righteous life.

But when my Christian Grandma read me a simplified version of "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan (a great novel, well worth a read!) I was terrified. I knew deep down that I deserved punishment for rejecting God.

When my Granddad died that year, I knew he would now be in heaven; he had become a Christian five weeks earlier. Heaven had always been a reality to me, now I realised I wasn't headed there. Days later, talking to my Mum, I asked how I could become a Christian, because now I really wanted to know.

I heard that I must realise that I am a sinner before God, and that God alone can deliver me from hell, the eternal punishment for sin that I deserve. This is by trusting in His Son Jesus who took the punishment for sin on Himself when He died on the cross.

It suddenly became obvious what I had to do to get right with God. I prayed to God, acknowledging I was a sinner, asking for forgiveness through His Son, the Lord Jesus. I could now call Him my Saviour! I thanked Him and still do. It doesn't stop there, though, because Jesus has sent His Holy Spirit to help me live a life that's pleasing to God. I still sin, but now want to do what pleases God; after all He has done for me.

The great thing about God's message of salvation is that even an 8 year old can grasp it, but its truth applies to all. I may not have done any blatant outward sin, but I had rebelled against God and I needed his forgiveness. Any outward sin is born and develops in the heart; just because we haven't outwardly sinned much against God doesn't mean to say the sins of our heart don't matter. Every sin matters because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23

I may not have understood the full extent of what Jesus did when he gave his life in punishment for our sins so that I might be right with God and I never will but what I do know is that I have a great God who I'll praise as long as I live. This is part of a great song of praise to God:

        How deep the Father's love for us,

        How vast beyond all measure,

        That he should give his only Son,

        To make a wretch his treasure.

        I will not boast in anything,

        No gifts no power, no wisdom,

        But I will boast in Jesus Christ,

        His death and resurrection.

        Why should I gain from his reward?

        I cannot give an answer,

        But this I know with all my heart,

        His wounds have paid my ransom.

This is the first bible passage I read as a Christian and it still applies to me today:

        "...if we claim to be without sin, we

        deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

        If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just

        and will forgive us our sins and purify us

        from all unrighteousness.

          (1 John Chapter 1 verses 8+9)


        So God's equipped me to live for him, I

        have his Spirit to guide me, and his word to

        teach me. What is my response going to

        be? At this weekend I went on in Milnow

        they were talking about living a consistent

        life for God when no one else is looking. It's

        all very well being part of Jesus-saves and

        going to church on a Sunday but God knows

        my heart, am I all out to serve him? Two

        great phrases from the book of Daniel in the

        bible- "Daniel resolved in his heart", He

        resolved in his heart not to compromise on

        his love for God and make a stand for him.

        And "So Daniel prospered". It's not that he

        was rolling in it but that God was good to

        him and blessed him in his life. That's what

        God is like to those who live for him and I

        pray the Lord will bless this website of



        God is great and I want you to come to that



       "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden

       your hearts"

         Psalm 95:7,8







Last Updated: 9th November 2004